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Join us for a day of deepening faith & friendship.

The day includes snacks & lunch, two general sessions, and two workshops you get to choose (one in the morning and one in the afternoon). 

BASIC COST is $30.  Some workshops have an additional cost.


Prayer & Biblical Meditation - Explore and experience a variety of prayer practices.  Let go of anxiety and mental clutter.  Learn to connect to God's rest.  Bring paper, pen and a willingness to participate.  Lead by Nancy Engels.  (Cost $0)


Card Making - Make pre-designed handcrafted cards.  Includes most supplies.  Bring your own scissors and double sided adhesive.  Lead by Fran Kelly.  (Cost $10)


Setting Boundaries & Building Healthy Relationships - Lead by Cami Bjurling.  Cami is a mom, daughter and Clinical Counsellor who's passion is to see people become who they are and feel confident, strong and capable.  (Cost $0)


Modern Farmhouse DIY Paint Project - stacking mini wood blocks painted with Home Sweet Home.  Project includes all supplies.  (Cost $20)


Click here to register.